Sirena — is an own development with constant Interlude updates and weekly patches.
Start First season: December 6, 2024 at 19:00 (GMT+2)
Open beta test: December 2, 2024 at 19:00 (GMT +2)
Current game version: Classic Interlude
Server rates Exp/Sp: x30, Adena: x7, Drop: x20, Spoil: x10, Quest Drop x1*, Raid x3.
At the start
All characters appear in the initial locations with a newbie chest in their inventory, upon opening which you will receive Top NG gear and goodies for leveling up.
All the necessary NPCs are present in the places where characters appear
Each character receives starting capital for progress: 100,000 Adena, 100 MP/HP potions.
All characters have 2-hour premium buff
General information
Up to B-Grade equipment shop
Buff Slots: 24 (28 with Divine Inspiration LVL 4) Noobles, Malaria,Flu do not take up a buff slot
Buffer with the ability to create your own profiles is available
Mana Potion restores 1000 MP (cooldown time – 10 seconds)
Offline trade and craft: command .offline, trade zones – Town of Giran, Giran Harbor. Fishing Island
Added skill Block Buff, Unstuck
Service manager.
Increased the number of inventory slots to 250.
Command /unstuck - 10 seconds
Premium Account in a group is needed only for characters who finishes off mobs
Server Features
Number of clients for one computer: 3
Sweeper festival has been added to the spoiler
Improved Interface Classic Interlude client. (To play on our server you will need our client)
A Тalent system has been added to the server upon reaching lvl 80 100% (100% can be exchanged for 1 talent point)
A Battle Pass with missions and rewards for them has been added to the server. (free and premium)
Belts of Malaria Flu Rheumatism Cholera have been added to the server (they give an active skill for 60 minutes, a 20-minute cooldown)
Coin Of Peso - you can get this currency for pvp and also by killing Champion creeps
Coin Of Peso - for this currency you can buy a premium buff from the buffer
Rare weapons and equipment have been added to the server, you can only get them by crafting, the crafting chance is 5%
Added unique Cloaks, available for Adena, giving additional characteristics to the owner, when sharpened from +4.
Increased speed +5 when enchanted at +4.
Increased speed +5 | CP +500 when enchanted at +5.
Increased speed +5 | CP +500 | MEN +1 | CON +1 when enchanted at +6.
Increased speed +5 | CP +500 | | MEN +1 | CON +1 | STR +1 | INT +1 when enchanted at +7.
Increased speed +5 | CP +500 | MEN +1 | CON +1 | STR +1 | INT +1 | WIT +1 | DEX +1 when enchanted at +8.
Increased speed +5 | CP +500 | MEN +1 | CON +1 | STR +1 | INT +1 | WIT +1 | DEX +1 | P.Def +100 when enchanted at +9.
Increased speed +5 | CP +500 | MEN +1 | CON +1 | STR +1 | INT +1 | WIT +1 | DEX +1 | P.Def +100 M.Def +100 when enchanted at +10.
Flight to Halisha/Anakazel is available for 2+ people
The active buff with Life Stone disappears when removing a weapon
Augmented weapons are not tradeable.
Duration of buffs from augmentation skills: 20 minutes. Chance buffs – 10 minutes
Chance to get a skill with Life Stones: Top – 10%, High – 5%, Mid – 3%, Simple – 1%
Drop chance of Top Life Stones from Tyrannosaurus – 50%
Drop chance of Top Life Stones from Pterosaur – 5%
Updated Core/Orfen stats, can be upgraded to lvl 3
Core/Orfen 1 lvl - standard
Core Ring 2 lvl - Increase m.Atk +4% Increase P.Def +1%
Orfen Earring 2 lvl - Increase pAtk + 2% Increase M.Def +1%
Core Ring 3 lvl- Increase m.Atk +8% Increase P.Def +3%
Orfen Earring 3 lvl -Increase pAtk + 4% Increase M.Def +3%
First job class: Free
Reward: 10 D-Grade coupons,
Second job class: Free
Reward: 15 C-Grade coupons,
Third job class: 15kk + 700 Halisha Mark (teleport for farming Khalisha Mark from class master).
Reward: Book of Giants
Obtaining Sub-Class: Talk to the chest after killing Shilen's Messenger Cabrio,Death Lord Hallate,Kernon,Longhorn Golkonda (8 hours +30 min) with a character above level 75 to get the quest items + 50kk adena
Maximum number of Sub-Class: 3
Sub-Class: Elf cannot add Dark Elf profession Sub Class and vice versa.
Noblesse: Flame of Splendor Barakiel, level 80, respawn 8 hours ±30 minutes
Quest for Noblesse: Standard, items are sold in the GM shop
Maximum number of members in a clan: 45 people
Clan Academy: up to 40 people (counted separately)
Alliances: up to 1 clans
24 hours clan penalty for leaving the clan
To participate in the auction for the clan hall, you need a clan level 6
Castle sieges
Time: Every Saturday, from 20:00 to 22:00
Giran/Goddard: castle sieges every weeks
Aden/Rune: castle sieges every weeks
Reward: Additional skill for clan members who own a castle
After each siege, castle owners receive 50 Coin of Luck and 100 Coin Of Peso.
Epic Bosses
PvP zones have been introduced at Epic RB locations
Queen Ant: Maximum zone entry level = 80
Core/Orfen: Maximum zone entry level = 80
Boss Respawn time [GMT +2]
Boss Type | Time |
Queen Ant (lvl 80) | 24 hours + 60 minutes random.From Monday to Friday |
Core/Orfen (level 80) | 36 hours + 30 minutes random. |
Zaken (lvl 80) | Every 2 days. Transferred to the ship |
Baium (lvl 80) | Every 5 days, time to kill 2 hours, random respawn. |
Antharas (lvl 80) | Every 8 days, time to enter the lair - 30 minutes, time to kill - 2 hours, random respawn. |
Valakas (lvl 85) | Every 11 days, time to enter the lair - 20 minutes, time to kill - 2 hours, random respawn. |
Frintezza (level 85) | Every 2 days, time to kill - 2 hours. |
Raid Bosses
Coin Of Peso from 1 to 5 has been added to all level 75+ bosses, with a 50% chance
Boss Type | Time |
Shilen’s Messenger Cabrio,Death Lord Hallate,Kernon,Longhorn Golkonda | 8 hours +30 minutes (random) |
Flame of Splendor Barakiel | 8 hours +30 minutes (random) |
Varka/Ketra (Alliance bosses) | 10 hours +2 hours (random) |
Other RB | 12 hours + 12 hours |
Olympiad period cycle: 2 weeks
Fights: From Friday to Sunday
Fight time: from 18:00 to 00:00
The first period - a week after the start
Heroes awards from Sunday to Monday
Class battles - from 10 people
Non-class battles - from 5 people
Highest point at the Olympiad +6
Interface Features
If you have a Premium Account, the icon with your level is now highlighted in yellow
Talent system
BattlePass System
The ItemBroker auction starts every day at Giran Harbor from 20:00 to 21:00 GMT +2
Every player can place a bid and win valuable prizes, ranging from resources to masterpieces.
The last one who is not outbid wins and can collect their prize from their warehouse.
The window for using potions (ACP) directly from the skill panel. New implementation!
New augmentation window, augment your weapon with one click!
Flexible interface settings and much more!
The function of saving login and password for quick entry into the game is added
Physical weapon / Mage weapon +0 → +3 100% / +3 → +12 50% (50% BEWS) / +12 → +13 40% (40% BEWS) / +13 → +14 30% (30% BEWS ) / +14 → +15 20% (20% BEWS) / +15 → +16 10% (10% BEWS)
Jewelry and Armor - +0 → +3 100% / +3 → +12 50% (50% BEWS) / +12 → +13 40% (40% BEWS) / +13 → +14 30% (30% BEWS ) / +14 → +15 20% (20% BEWS) / +15 → +16 10% (10% BEWS)
Seven Signs
Registration for the catacombs has been cancelled.
The catacombs and necropolises are open from Monday 5:00 to Saturday 5:00.
Exchange of stones is available from the "Mammon".
Mammon spawn period: Saturday 5:00 - Monday 5:00 in Giran Harbor.
For each enemy killed, the team gets one point. At the end, the team that scored the most points wins. Attacking allies, as well as healing/buffing opponents is prohibited.
Maximum number of players 200
Time of the event: 10:00 | 15:00 | 22:00 | 03:00 (GMT +2)
Welcome to Death Match! In this competition there are no allies, no shelter - there is only one goal: to survive at any cost. Show your combat skills and ability to adapt to changing conditions.
Maximum number of players 100
Time of the event: 11:30 | 17:30 | 04:30 | 23:30 (GMT +2)
Welcome to Capture the Flag! In this exciting competition, your task is to capture the enemy flag and bring it to your base while protecting your own flag from enemy players.
Maximum number of players 200
Time of the event: 13:00 | 19:00 | 01:00 | 06:00 (GMT +2)
All subsequent updates will be introduced step by step. Follow the news inside the game and on our resources (Discord, Telegram).